OPEN CALL invocation 2024

Organic Intelligence


In its sixth edition, the “Festival Sur Aural 2024” aims to investigate the silent languages ​​of nature and the cosmos. After five versions opening portals between past, present and future times, in this version we consider questioning the relationship between nature and culture and then predicting the possibilities of a rebirth with “Organic Intelligence”.

We investigate these concepts to create a vibratory unison in harmony with the whole. 

"Organic Intelligence" emerges as a vibrational response to the rise of artificial intelligence.

It appears as the essence of life itself, palpable in every cell and in every universal heartbeat. From the core of our molecules to the chirping of birds, this intelligence resonates with the history of our ancestors, reminding us that only through humility and observation can we unravel its complexity and embrace its beauty.

We leave this invocation open and invite you to join this collective vibration!!!!

Intelligence is above all a capacity, the ability to understand, analyze, make sense and solve. It is the universal hinge that interconnects and relates, through a combination infinite number of events, to the two great extensions that make up our universe: the subjective and objective. It is a purely spiritual substance before the future.

This statement, like so many others, begins to feel the small replicas of the great ones. earthquakes that are taking place in the deepest layers of existence. Tremors whose original forces shock all certainty and crack the structures on which which the human vital space has been built and developed.

And the signs of these replicas manifest themselves in changes that we clearly show. increasingly evident. We can experience it in the weather, the language, the speed, the interconnection, memory and the capacity for accumulation and processing of information, all aspects traversed today by a crisis of uprooting.

The process of uprooting intelligence gained more attention after the emergence and dominance public of AI (Artificial Intelligence), a promise that is debated as being the salvation or the end of the human life. And the capabilities related to intelligence are beginning to be addressed, at seem at a frenetic pace, due to the use and access to big data (1) through mechanisms called deep learning (2)

At this crossroads, several topics are debated, such as the value of human work in the face of its possible replacement by a machine; the energy cost of large information centers; the value ethics of the usefulness, possession and centralization of information; and the complete uprooting of our human quality and the inevitable question arises, what are we and what remains? suspended in the human category, if the only quality that differentiated us is being developed more effectively by a machine?

And it is here where the adjective core of the organic or in the specific case that we try, that of organic intelligence. And there is no alternative to the artificiality that go back to the roots, rethink questions about the possibility of the body and the extension of life, confront the abyss that separates our ideas from the outside world, make mistakes again, feel the vertigo of our finitude, imagine the impossible and feel the limits of language, return to our primordial state within a resonance chamber and remember that everything vibrates and everything It affects us.

In this way we will recognize and reaffirm some features of organic intelligence, its relational nature and its vibratory origin, qualities that make up an affirmative seed that Sur Aural intends to plant this 2024: Award that the intelligentsia is a capacity deeply sonorous.

(1) Large volumes of data extracted from digital platforms or other areas, such as machines connected through the Internet of Things, must be processed to obtain information – about the past and the present – that can shape the future. Algorithms are used for this.

(2) Deep learning models are made up of many layers that form hierarchical networks to learn characteristics and classify by identifying patterns. The specificity of these algorithms is that they evolve, They become more expert based on influx and data analysis. In other words, they learn and improve on their own. themselves as they process more data, adjusting their parameters to produce better forecasts.



The call allows the participation of various disciplines, age ranges, and nationalities.

Everyone is welcome!


1. Sound Work / Soundscape / Sonic Experimentation 

2. Radio Show / Radio Theater / Radio Novel 

3. Sound Documentary / Interviews / Reports

4. Experimental music



minimum 5 mins. - maximum 60 mins.

Delivery format: 

Uncompressed files (.WAV) - (.AIFF) - (.FLAC)

44,100hz 16 bits or 48,000hz 24 bits.


The invocation will be open from April 15, 2024 to May 31, 2024 regardless of the time zone.

Submission of works:

The works will be received through and only through the following form


The projects will be selected through these terms and conditions by the Sur Aural team. The official program of the festival will be published on June 10 on the page


The festival is committed to the correct circulation and publicity of the materials delivered, as well as the corresponding credits of the participating artists. 

All material will be shared under Creative Commons licenses:

For more information about this license

The works selected for the 2024 festival will be broadcasted and presented in events during the festival and digital platforms belonging to Sur Aural and other collectives and radio stations working in partnership with the festival.


Sur Aural is a non-profit collective that broadcasts, generates and investigates 

sound phenomena through a yearly curatorial proposal.

For the present call, we  do not offer any type of monetary compensation to the participants, those who do so will participate Ad Honorem.

The works that partane in the 2024 Festival, will become part of Sur Aural's sound archive and may be reproduced in other spaces and times outside the festival, respecting the CreativeCommons license selected by the artists, which is specified in the call's entry form.

By sending the form and associated files, the participants accept all the terms and conditions set forth in this call.


+ information, doubts or questions write to us at